The Elite Physique Technique
Our specialized workouts use a combination of High-Intensity Interval Ttraining (HIIT) and Active Rest Training, which . This combination allows you to burn twice the fat and calories in half the time. We also offer specialized training for Spartan and adventure racing.
Are you tried to long, boring cardio exercises? Move aside treadmill and elliptical! There is a new style of workout that achieves lasting results!

You are an Athlete
All our workouts are conducted in a group setting, which dramatically improves your odds of success. Most people are competitive even if they don’t realize it. We are a community of people striving to accomplish our fitness goals together. This is an addictive atmosphere consisting of hard work, accountability, teamwork, and support.

A Customized Plan for Everyone
We also modify each workout to fit your individual goals and current level of fitness. Whether you’re new to working out or are an experienced athlete, our trainers will modify each workout to match your abilities.

Safety Net
Best of all, our program extends far beyond the four walls of our gym. We support your success through one-on-one communication from our trainers. They will help you track your goals, advise your nutrition and keep you motivated to set your sights on new challenges. We want to help achieve a stronger, healthier, leaner and more energized YOU.
JOIN NOWOur Famous 30 Minute HIIT sessions
We offer our members affordable, convenient, 30-minute fat loss boot camp sessions that challenge the body and deliver twice the results in half the time.
Our specialized Afterburn workouts use a combination of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Active Rest Training to get your body to burn up to twice the fat and calories that traditional workouts burn in only half the time. They also keep your metabolism working at a higher rate for up to 32 hours after each workout.
Every group training session is led by an experienced and certified personal trainer and is designed to be fun, high energy, and challenging so that you burn the maximum fat and tone your muscles.
We also offer modifications for our workout programs to fit your individual fitness goals and fitness level. Whether you’re a beginner or you’re an experienced fitness athlete, our professional trainers and coaches will help modify every workout so that you’ll achieve your goals!
Our workouts are done in a dynamic group setting which dramatically increases your odds of success through group accountability and an addictive atmosphere of fun and community. Plus, this empowers you to get personal-training-level results for only a fraction of what it would normally take to hire a 1-on-1 personal trainer.
Best of all, our program extends far beyond the four walls of boot camp. We support your success through personalized accountability to stay on track to your goals, nutrition coaching that shows you how to eat for weight loss without disrupting your lifestyle, and smart goal-setting and workout adjustments that make sure your body is constantly getting stronger, leaner, healthier, and more energized!

$147 VALUE

- one comprehensive fitness assessment.
- access to all of our classes.
- (over 40 sessions a week!)
- nutrition guidance.